Computer Parts

Adirondack PC has multiple connections to find you the best deals on parts.

Did you know that every single part inside your computer is upgradeable to something faster?

Did you know that we can provide replacement parts for a fraction of what it would cost you to buy a new system?

That's right! There are literally thousands of parts available for your current PC.
A few common items are listed below:

Q: What kinds of parts do you offer?
A: We have a huge selection of PC parts, both new and used. If we don't have a part in stock, we can order and have it ready for you in a week or less.

Q: How do your prices on new parts compare to prices at stores like RadioShack or Best Buy?
A: I haven't seen a retail store yet that can come close to what I offer. I have reseller accounts with dozens of websites that let me buy parts at wholesale prices. This translates to more selection and better prices that I can pass onto you.

Q: I'd like to upgrade but I don't know what I need or how to install it. Can you take care of it for me?
A: Yes. We have a full-service upgrade facility and we can handle the whole process. Please see the upgrades page.

Please contact us for more information on parts.

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